The IANUS II project was an Erasmus Mundus mobility programme financed by the European Commission in the framework of the Erasmus Mundus programme, Action 2 – Partnerships with Third Country higher education institutions and scholarships for mobility, covering the geographical Lot 5: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Moldova and Ukraine.
The duration of the project was of 48 months (15 July 2013 – 14 July 2017) and the total number of scholarships awarded was of 213, for all study levels.
Final mobility distribution per type of mobility
- Numbers:
Type of mobility | Estimation in the project proposal | First Cohort | Second Cohort | TOTAL grants awarded |
Undergraduates | 50 | 34 | 26 | 60 |
Masters | 48 | 37 (7 non degree, 30 full degree) | 12 (4 non degree, 8 full degree) | 49 |
Doctorates | 30 | 20 | 15 | 35 |
Post-Doctorates | 28 | 20 | 9 | 29 |
Staff | 38 | 25 (18 academic, 7 administrative) | 15 (9 academic, 6 administrative) | 40 |
TOTAL | 194 | 136 | 77 | 213 |
- Percentages:
Type of mobility | Distribution in the Call 38/12 | Distribution in the Application | Final distribution |
Undergraduates | 25-35 % | 25.77 % | 28.17 % |
Masters | 15-25 % | 24.74 % | 23.00 % |
(Sandwich) Doctorates |
15-25 % | 15.46 % | 16.43 % |
Post-Doctorates | 5-15 % | 14.43 % | 13.62 % |
Staff | 10-20 % | 19.60 % | 18.78 % |
Final scholarship distribution per origin (EU / LOT 5):
EU/ LOT 5 | Call 38/12 | Estimation in the project proposal | FINAL distribution |
LOT 5 | > 70 % | 174 (89.70 %) | 195 (91.55 %) |
EU | < 30 % | 20 (10.30 %) | 18 (8.45 %) |
TOTAL | 194 | 213 |
Final scholarship distribution per country:
Country | Undergraduates | Masters | Doctorates | Post-doctorates | Staff | TOTAL |
Armenia | 10 | 3 | 0 | 1 | 5 | 19 |
Azerbaijan | 7 | 2 | 1 | 0 | 0 | 10 |
Belarus | 3 | 2 | 0 | 2 | 2 | 9 |
Georgia | 11 | 11 | 6 | 5 | 5 | 38 |
Republic of Moldova | 17 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 11 | 58 |
Ukraine | 11 | 19 | 14 | 7 | 10 | 61 |
TOTAL | 59 | 46 | 31 | 26 | 33 | 195 |
The impact of the IANUS II mobility on grantees´ studies/ work and (future) career, as well as on the cultural and personal benefits of their mobility abroad (some extracts from the grantees´ reports):
- "From an academic point of view one-semester research mobility at the University of Lodz gave me a substantial theoretical knowledge that speeded up my final objective to finalize the research paper. The mobility gave me an opportunity to access to a large volume of resources available at the University library developing my research abilities." (Doctoral student)
- "To win this Erasmus Mundus IANUS II scholarship was a great and pleasant surprise for me. Before my arrival to Lodz I had some doubts, I didn’t feel confident, I had the feeling that not everything would go in a way as it had been planned. But, fortunately, and contrary to my opinion everything was great. The reality was more than I had expected. Everything was done according to a well-reasoned plan. And it was due to the hard work and eagerness of the staff working at the University of Lodz. And the result of all these is my experience and the confidence to advise my friends follow my example." (Undergraduate student)
- "I am very happy to have had a chance to participate in Erasmus Mundus Ianus II project and to spend a month in Groningen University, Netherlands. It was a great experience for me to get acquainted with the staff members of the Department of Middle East Studies and especially Prof. Dr. W.J. Van. Bekkum. I got a good experience in methods of teaching Arabic language at Groningen University. In the future I will share the knowledge acquired at Groningen University with my colleagues and students at Akaki Tsereteli State University." (academic staff)
- "Administrative procedures were quite simple and clear enough. Home university provided enough support at the beginning, while the coordination at the host university was at the highest level. Scholarship was paid always in time and the reimbursement of travel costs was provided very quickly and in a full volume. Also there were no problems with the advisory support either from the host university, or from the coordinating institution. All needed forms were available at the project website." (Post-doctoral grantee)
- Thanks to "IANUS II project", I got a great educational experience. I made very useful and important research in my thesis. (doctoral student)
- My Erasmus experience was appreciated in the new job I got. (bachelor student)
- I was studying in an international group with 12 different nationalities which strengthened my tolerance and empathy. (master student)
- It was the best experience of my life, both Cultural as Scientific. Cultural - has changed my way of being, scientifically - has changed my way of thinking. (doctoral student)
- Both cultural and educational benefits gave me extraordinary background and strong self-esteem .Plus, it helped me a lot to find job. So, I am proud of studying Europe, especially Poland. This Project encouraged me to step the ladder of Luck and how to communicate and make cultural, informational exchange among people. I extended my friends scope and still typing with them. I'm very grateful to you all. Great thanks! :) (bachelor student)
The impact of the IANUS II project activities on the third-country partner institutions involved:
- Increased mobility of students and staff;
- Promotion, transfer and integration of good practice in didactic activities (teaching/evaluation methods, student-centred curriculum design based on learning outcomes);
- Preparation and effective use of the ECTS and of the Diploma Supplement (where needed);
- Exploring possibilities for initiating new courses, degrees and curricula (e.g., jointly taught courses, joint/multiple master courses; co-supervised doctoral studies);
- Improvement of the international visibility of the courses and degrees and an increased awareness of the convergence towards a European qualification framework;
- Development of an academic management culture in international activities;
- Improvement of the linguistic proficiency of mobile students and academic staff;
- A better awareness of and dissemination of European values;
- Quality assurance harmonization in organizing, running and recognition of academic mobility (procedures and institutional responsibilities);
- Promotion and integration of good practices regarding the selection methodology and the mobility period itself;
- Enhancement of student services for visiting students;
- Sustainable cooperation between the universities in Lot 5 and those from the European Union.
The original version of the project website is available here