Frequently Asked Questions

1. When is the individual mobility flow to start?
2. Who selects students and staff for mobility flows?

3. How can potential candidates find out about specific admission conditions and apply for an individual mobility
4. How potential candidates will find out if they have been accepted in a mobility flow?

5. How is “staff” defined?

6. What are the conditions required to staff to apply?

7. Are inter-European or inter-third-country mobility flows allowed?

8. Can students or staff benefit from more than one mobility flow?

9. Can third-country nationality students living in Europe apply for a mobility flow?

10. Can students spend a given period at an Associate partner?

11. Can European and third-country students/ staff receive scholarships from other EU programmes for the
purpose of following an individual mobility flow?
12. Can incoming students be charged tuition fees?

13. How can students and staff obtain a visa in order to study in Europe/third countries under an individual mobility
14. Are students and staff covered by an insurance scheme?

15. Where and how are my rights as beneficiary of a Erasmus Mundus Scholarship defined?

16. How will the academic recognition obtained during my stay in a hosting HEI be ensured?

17. To how many Action 2 partnerships may a student apply?

18. Can I apply to Action Partnerships and Action 1 Masters / Doctorates?

For the moment you can find some of your answers here: