University de Granada – Information sheet
Contact Person: Artur Schmitt
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Avda. del Hospicio, s/n C.P. 18071 Granada (Spain) |
Head of Institution: | ||
Address: | Avda. del Hospicio, s/n C.P. 18071 Granada (Spain) | |
- Erasmus Mundus Coordinator: | Artur Schmitt | |
- Erasmus Mundus Coordinator: | | |
- Erasmus Mundus Mobility Unit: | | |
Websites | ||
General Website | | |
International Office website: | | |
Website with specific information for Erasmus Mundus applicants: | | |
E-mail: | | |
Academic calendar (lecture periods) | ||
Link to academic calendar | | |
Lecture periods | ||
first term 2015 / 2016 (winter term) | start date: end of September 2015 | end of September 2015 |
examination period(s): end of January until mid February 2016 | ||
second term 2015 / 2016 (summer term) | start date: mid February 2016 | end date: mid June 2016 |
examination period(s): beginning of June until mid July 2016 |
Exchange students (non degree seeking) | ||
General requirements: | - At the moment of application and during the entire stay abroad, the students must be enrolled in an undergraduate, master or PhD programme at their home institution and pay the corresponding tuition fees there where applicable. | |
Undergraduate applicants (exchange): | Application Requirements: | - Candidates have to be enrolled at an undergraduate programme at the home university – Study plan approved by the home University. - Language requirements: See section below about Language requirements |
Admission Requirements: | - Selected candidates have to be enrolled at an undergraduate programme at the home university when starting the mobility period and during their entire period abroad. - Selected candidates have to sign a learning and recognition agreement and has to be duly approved by the home and host institutions before the start of the stay abroad. Modifications are possible during the first month of the corresponding study period. |
Contact information | | |
Master applicants (exchange): | Application Requirements: | - Candidates have to be enrolled at a master programme at the home university. - Pre-admission letter duly signed and sealed by the master programme coordinator. - Language requirements: See section below about Language requirements |
Admission Requirements: | - Selected candidates have to be enrolled at a master programme at the home university when starting the mobility period and during their entire period abroad. - Selected candidates have to sign a learning and recognition agreement and has to be duly approved by the home and host institutions before the start of the stay abroad. Modifications are possible during the first month of the corresponding study period. |
Preadmission letter models: | erasmusmundus |
Contact information: | |
Contact details for master coordinators: | See academic offer academicofferugr20111109 |
PhD Applicants (exchange): | Application Requirements: | - To be enrolled at a PhD programme at the home university. Potential applicants must be regular doctoral candidates at their home institution and pay the corresponding tuition fees there where applicable. - Pre-admission letter duly signed and sealed by the PhD programme coordinator. |
Admission Requirements: | - To be enrolled at a PhD programme at the home university when starting the mobility period and during the entire period abroad. - A draft study and work plan drawn in cooperation with the academic supervisors at the home and host universities has to be approved before the start of the mobility period. This study and work plan has to be signed by the student and the academic supervisor at the home and host universities. |
Preadmission letter models: | erasmusmundus |
Language requirements: | Sufficient knowledge of the working language previously agreed with the corresponding research unit at the Universidad de Granada. | |
Contact information: | |
Contact details for master coordinators: | See academic offer academicofferugr20111109 |
Degree seeking students | ||
Important: No degree seeking applicants for full undergraduate programmes will be considered. | ||
General conditions: | - Selected grantees will enrol as regular master’s students or doctoral candidates at the University of Granada. - Once all academic and administrative requirements are fulfilled, the students will obtain an official degree and the corresponding diploma supplement. |
Master applicants (Degree seeking): | Application Requirements: | - To hold a bachelor’s degree or equivalent with a minimum of 180 ECTS or 3 years full time studies, granting access to postgraduate studies at the home university. - Pre-admission letter duly signed and sealed by the master programme coordinator. - Language requirements: See section below about Language requirements |
Admission Requirements: | Selected candidates will have to follow the standard admission procedure for master programmes: registration in “Distrito Único”: More information: |
Preadmission letter models: | | |
Contact information: | |
Contact details for master coordinators: | See academic offer academicofferugr20111109 |
PhD Applicants (Degree seeking): | Application Requirements: | - Master’s degree or equivalent granting access to doctoral studies at the home university. - Pre-admission letter duly signed and sealed by the PhD programme coordinator. |
Admission Requirements: | - Selected grantees will follow the standard admission procedure and enrol as regular doctoral candidates at the Universidad de Granada. Some candidates might be asked by the Academic Committee of the Doctoral Programme to follow complementary courses at master level. Full master studies, however, will not be authorized. - The Academic Committee of any Doctoral (PhD) Programme may set additional requirements and criteria to the programme for selecting and admitting students. Some doctoral programmes may require a certain level of language proficiency. Hence, CHECK THE PROGRAMME’S WEB SITE FOR THE REQUIRED LANGUAGE AND THE CORRESPONDING LEVEL. In such case, it is mandatory to submit a Language Proficiency Certificate issued by any of the institutions listed in: tablasdecertificadosaceptadosporlaugrparaacreditaciondelenguasextranjeras. - Standard admission procedure to enrol as regular doctoral candidates at the Universidad de Granada ficheros_tramites_administrativos_alumnos_doctorado/informacionaccesoadmision_eng More information: |
Preadmission letter models: | | |
Language requirements: | Generally, sufficient knowledge of the working language previously agreed with the corresponding PhD Programme Coordinator at the Universidad de Granada, except when it is an admission requirement | |
Contact information: | |
Contact details for master coordinators: | See academic offer academicofferugr20111109 |
Short stays: | ||
At Post Doctoral level: | Application Requirements: | - Potential applicants must hold a doctoral degree and will normally be a researcher at their home institution. - Support letter signed by the head of the corresponding research unit at the Universidad de Granada. - Research plan to be agreed on previously with the contact person at the University of Granada. |
Language requirements: | - Sufficient knowledge of the working language previously agreed with the corresponding research unit at the Universidad de Granada. | |
Contact information: | | |
Academic and Administrative staff | Application Requirements: | - Potential applicants must work as academic or administrative staff at their home institution. - Support letter signed by the head of the corresponding academic or administrative unit at the Universidad de Granada. - Research or work plan to be agreed on previously with the contact person at the University of Granada. |
Language requirements: | - Sufficient knowledge of the working language previously agreed with the corresponding research unit at the Universidad de Granada. | |
Contact information: | |
Language requirements (Applicable for undergraduate and master applicants only) |
- Regular language of instruction: Spanish - The list of courses taught in English is available at: |
Required level of language of instruction: | B1 | |
Accepted certificate(s) for Spanish language: | - Business Language Testing Service (BULATS) - Instituto Cervantes – Diploma de Español como Lengua Extranjera (DELE) - The European Language Certificates (TELC) |
Accepted certificate(s) for English (and other languages). | See: tablasdecertificadosaceptadosporlaugr_5122011 |
Specific information regarding language requirements can be found on the academic offer of the University of Granada | || | ||
Official language proficiency certificates: | ||
In the light of regional legislation, university regulations and recommendations from the European Commission, incoming Erasmus Mundus Action 2 applicants and scholarship holders to the University of Granada are subject to the following conditions regarding their language proficiency. It is mandatory for undergraduate and master students who apply to the Erasmus Mundus Accion 2 programme to submit a Language Proficiency Certificate (minimum level B1 of the language of instruction) issued by any of the institutions listed in the file: The language proficiency should be expressed in terms of the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages regarding speaking, writing, listening and reading. These certificates will be examined by the university-wide committee for language accreditation, and those meeting the international standards applied in the table mentioned above will be accepted. Notwithstanding, the Universidad de Granada reserves the right to accept or refuse any non-official language proficiency certificate which does not guarantee those standards on an individual basis during the application and evaluation phase. Undergraduate and master students pre-selected for a scholarship MUST provide an official language proficiency certificate before they can receive an invitation letter for their stay at the Universidad de Granada. If candidates cannot provide one of the official certificates accepted for Spanish language, they MUST take the UGR official Spanish examination (organised by the Centro de Lenguas Modernas of UGR), which will be sent to partner universities so students do not have to travel. The examination, which will take place around end of May or first fortnight of June, will be divided into two parts: (a) a written part supervised by a responsible person from the home institution and (b) a spoken part done through skype. The exam has to be supervised by a professor or a responsible person from the students’ home university. Students passing the examination may receive an official accreditation certificate from the Modern Languages Centre of the University of Granada, on payment of the corresponding fees. In order to send the examination to your institution, it is necessary for you to sign a confidentiality agreement, which is a guarantee for the UGR that the exam will be taken in regular conditions, supervised by a member of the academic staff at your university, and not disclosed either before or after the examination date. Only those students who provide an Official Language Proficiency Certificate or pass the exam organised by the UGR, may be admitted at our university. |
Course information websites | |
Undergraduate studies: | |
Master programmes: | |
PhD programmes: | |
Student and welcome services | ||
Link to student guide | | |
Estimated living expenses | The city of Granada is considered as one of the cheapest place in Spain and Europe to live as a student. Obviously, the cost of student’s life in Granada depends on their own way, but approximately it would take 550 € or 650 € of expenses per month. For guidance, we are detailing the cost of living in Granada in the most basic aspects:
– Accommodation in a shared flat (water and energy expenses included) goes between 200 € to 250 € per month. - The daily menu in the university refectories costs 3.50 €.Besides, the take away menu costs 4 €. - A city bus single ticket costs 1.20 €, and by using the bus card, the price is 0.72 € per trip. |
Housing | Housing: | Yes |
Link to housing information: | | |
Contact information: | Oficina de Gestión de Alojamientos. Vicerrectorado de Estudiantes. Severo Ochoa s/n. 18071. Granada. Ph. 958.244072 – Fax. 958.243134. E-mail. |
Facilities for students with special needs | Student Support Services (Servicio de Asistencia al estudiante – Gabinete de Atención Social): | |
Welcome event / orientation week | 1st Semester / Full Academic Year: the week prior to start of courses (third week of September 2015) 2nd Semester: the week prior to start of the second semester (second or third week of February 2016) |
Language course(s) | The Centre of Modern Languages ( offers language courses: | Spanish, Arab, French, English, Italian, German, Russian and Swedish language |
The Confucius Institute: | ( gives also the opportunity to study Chinese language and culture during the academic year. | |
International Office / Student Service Center / Visitor Service | Vice-Rector’s Office for International Relations and Development Cooperation University of Granada Complejo Administrativo Triunfo, Avda. del Hospicio s/n 18071 Granada (Spain) +34 958 249 030 |
Contact details: | ||
Vice-Rector’s Office for International Relations and Development Cooperation | e-mail: Phone: +34 958 249 030 |
International School for Postgraduate studies (for Master and PhD degree seeking applicants) | e-mail: Phone: 958249681 – 958248900 – 958249688 |
Other useful information | |
UGR staff phone and e-mail list | University Refectories Casa de Porras Cultural Centre Sports Centre (CAD) UGR services: |
Social Networking | |